As I walked into my house around 7pm after a days work, I was thinking what my brother is doing to celebrate Valentine's day. Surely he must be somewhere romantic with his gf, in a candlelight setting, exchanging gifts and talking to each other.
After the romantic dinner he'll send her home and drop her off at her house using MY CAR.
Not that I'm jealous or anything, but I always thought I'll get to do that with that Wira of mine after getting the car and lesen. My brother need to wait for less than a WEEK to do that.
Happy Valentine's day !!! Although I am sending this message at 10.39pm :P
The new place where a mechwarrior in is early 20 twenties tell about all his adventures and life altering stories.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Part 1: On the Outside
Name : Long Ji Ming
Date of Birth : 20th June 1984
Current Status : Single
Eye Colour : Brown Black
Hair Colour : Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese, Hainanese
Your Fear : Going to be single forever
Your Weakness : want to sleep.. want to sleep...*** zzzz***
Your Perfect Pizza : Hawaian with chicken and bacon
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : So fast morning oledi :(
Your bedtime : Around 10-12, sometimes later
Your most missed memory : Care-free student life and a powerful computer and internet and LAN to boot and a generous finance minister :)
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Pepsi
McDees or Burger King : Mac
Single or Group Dates : Both
Adidas or Nike : None.. prefer Camel Active. Nike overhype, overpriced
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Both
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : Both
Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : Rather waste my money on my 360
Curse : You'll do it alot once you start working (but not in front of ppl)
Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yup. More coming next week :P
Gone to the mall : Yup
Been on stage : No
Eaten sushi : OMG.. this is a no!
Dyed your hair : pretend to be a blondie? No way
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : Nope, all my friends are too innocent (Look at what I have missed during my teens lol)
Changed who you were to fit in : Being someone else? No
Part 8 : Marrriage
Age you're hoping to be married : 27-29 (Sees that my current age is only 22 going on 23).. must quickly act now!!
Number of kids: 2 enough
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye colour : doesn't matter
Hair colour : doesn't matter
Short or long hair : doesn't matter
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : Doing the top part of this questionaire
1 hour ago : Surfing the net on my lappie
4 1/2 hours ago : Eating dinner, watching Astro
1 month ago : working? sleeping? surfing? Nothing worth mentioning
1 year ago : Lepaking to the max since I dun have a job that time
Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : to go out with a girl i like
I feel : so lazy at times I just wanna sleep
I hate : idiots who mess up with the projects that I took over before they left the company (Note: if you see anyone in your company like about to leave, better check if thier projects are in order)
I hide : a hidden vault containing an army that can reunite the Imperium under the glory of the Immortal Emperor
I miss : the care-free student life when in Australia
I need : a good life and good fortunes and good luck
Part 12: Tag 5 People
1) i wonder who else has a blog and ALREADY been tagged? hui ling has done it. So does eve (she tagged me). My bro deleted his blog, again. So anyone who has read this questionaire then.
2) My xbox 360, if it can read in the first place.
Name : Long Ji Ming
Date of Birth : 20th June 1984
Current Status : Single
Eye Colour : Brown Black
Hair Colour : Black
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign : Gemini
Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese, Hainanese
Your Fear : Going to be single forever
Your Weakness : want to sleep.. want to sleep...*** zzzz***
Your Perfect Pizza : Hawaian with chicken and bacon
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : So fast morning oledi :(
Your bedtime : Around 10-12, sometimes later
Your most missed memory : Care-free student life and a powerful computer and internet and LAN to boot and a generous finance minister :)
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Pepsi
McDees or Burger King : Mac
Single or Group Dates : Both
Adidas or Nike : None.. prefer Camel Active. Nike overhype, overpriced
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Both
Chocolate or Vanilla : Vanilla
Cappucino or Coffee : Both
Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : Rather waste my money on my 360
Curse : You'll do it alot once you start working (but not in front of ppl)
Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yup. More coming next week :P
Gone to the mall : Yup
Been on stage : No
Eaten sushi : OMG.. this is a no!
Dyed your hair : pretend to be a blondie? No way
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : Nope, all my friends are too innocent (Look at what I have missed during my teens lol)
Changed who you were to fit in : Being someone else? No
Part 8 : Marrriage
Age you're hoping to be married : 27-29 (Sees that my current age is only 22 going on 23).. must quickly act now!!
Number of kids: 2 enough
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye colour : doesn't matter
Hair colour : doesn't matter
Short or long hair : doesn't matter
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : Doing the top part of this questionaire
1 hour ago : Surfing the net on my lappie
4 1/2 hours ago : Eating dinner, watching Astro
1 month ago : working? sleeping? surfing? Nothing worth mentioning
1 year ago : Lepaking to the max since I dun have a job that time
Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : to go out with a girl i like
I feel : so lazy at times I just wanna sleep
I hate : idiots who mess up with the projects that I took over before they left the company (Note: if you see anyone in your company like about to leave, better check if thier projects are in order)
I hide : a hidden vault containing an army that can reunite the Imperium under the glory of the Immortal Emperor
I miss : the care-free student life when in Australia
I need : a good life and good fortunes and good luck
Part 12: Tag 5 People
1) i wonder who else has a blog and ALREADY been tagged? hui ling has done it. So does eve (she tagged me). My bro deleted his blog, again. So anyone who has read this questionaire then.
2) My xbox 360, if it can read in the first place.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Been busy playing a mod for my Dark Crusade rts on my laptop. It is a survival type gameplay where wave after wave will attack you.
All I can say it is one very nice mod and it is free :P
The best part has to be massing lots of uber units from capturing a critical location (you get one every few minutes of wave I think) :P
It is things like this that makes pc gaming far better than console gaming. Unlike Xbox Live Marketplace where you need to PAY to use cheats **cough ** NFS Carbon & the Godfather for 360 ***cough ***
All I can say it is one very nice mod and it is free :P
The best part has to be massing lots of uber units from capturing a critical location (you get one every few minutes of wave I think) :P
It is things like this that makes pc gaming far better than console gaming. Unlike Xbox Live Marketplace where you need to PAY to use cheats **cough ** NFS Carbon & the Godfather for 360 ***cough ***