So far so good. I am surprised on how fast I can get this stie going. Less than 5 minutes from registering to publishing the new page. Still have to dig my mine for the old html tricks of the past. Nevermind, the simples the better.
Why I want to move here?
First, this site is a HECK ALOT easier to put stuff online
Second, many of my friends (or enemies to be exact) have an online diary of sorts
Third, everythings looks nice the way it is without me using the html ticks I have forgotten long ago.
Fourth,.. i will come about it.
So how's my life? So far so good. Got a lot of things due this coming May and June. The rewards are great, but the work to get those rewards are tough :( Still, what has to be done has to be done ...
I have a lot of games on my computer. Half-life 2 is taking up more than 5 Gigs, with more to come for mods, new maps , aftermath.. Mechwarrior 4 MErcs also taking up space with new mechs packs and maps. Then some odd games which I bought, played till the end but still unwilling to delete. Spend AU 60 for Chronicles of Riddick in which I finish it in about 10-12 hours with normal setting. No multiplayer to extend its lifetime somemore. The game deserves my money since it is really that good, but it is too short to spend RM 180 on a short game. And all this stuff have to share a 40 GB hardisk with windows. One harddisk only. Miss having a desktop with multiple hard disks :(
The next big thing on my mind right now is to get an Xbox . Yes, I am going to buy the evil empire's game console and I am going to buy a mech game which insults the battletech universe. But I figured if I want to get an Xbox, now is the best time. The console is dirt cheap (second hand) and here I can rent games to play. Unlike in M'sia cannot rent games. Still, I have not bought one yet. Still waiting for M'soft to annouce the Xbox 2 and see if M'soft lowers the price of Xbox :) Even if I want to buy now and to hell with the Xbox 2, buying now will cause me to be distracted play instead of studying. Would buy one in June after (heck, maybe during the exams knowing me) . Really should have bought an Xbox since LAST YEAR... but too engrossed in mechwarrior. I expect will spend the same amount on money on Mechwarrior figures last year on this gaming machine, but Xbox got more bang for the buck.
Today when I came home from uni late (I got a lab prac which took a while to complete), I was surprised to see ex-Mechwarrior players palying a variant of 40k in the hall on the gorund floor. Needless to say those guys quit MW and opted to play that game. Sort like guerilla warface with 40 weapons. They came over coz one of the players stayed in the adjacent building to my hostel. As I looked at them palying, I try to understand how the game works. Still the usual 40k I roll to hit, I roll to wound, he roll to avoid getting killed etc. Not planning to get any minitures game at all now. Too expensive and give up a minitures game for another minitures game? No thanks. same applies to star wars minitures, except this one was , give up a collectable game for another collectable game?.... you know the answer.
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