Sunday, June 05, 2005


Yesterday I went to a REAL cinema to watch Episode 3. What I meant by a REAL cinema is that it is the type that has enourmous seating capacity and it is in a building of its own. Try finding that anywhere similar in M'sia? I doubt there is any left. Now most of the cinemas are small, low capacity cineplexes that are located inside shipping malls. The sound system was ok, with Dolby surround and such. The show was even better: No subtitle with funny Malay translation :)

Now I am contempleting whether to buy Battlefield 2 DVD here or buy it online from a store in M'sia and later ask my parents to ship it to me. Could save a whopping RM 100+ if I purchase it there. Still, might be a heck lot easier if I just bought it here, but the price difference is so significant I prefer buying it at home. Still deciding though...

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