Saturday, July 30, 2005

1st week of my last semester

I would expect the 1st week to be a walk in the park, but no, it was a walk down a ravine. So many things to do and although there are very little lectures my project mates and I have to do experiments and our Final Year Project itself. Somemore have to do things on Saturday :( The supervisor has been very supportive but he expects too much from us. It's still a long way way more from the end of this year so there is still time.

Recently I have gotten something I ordered from the States. It is the E3 2005:Gamespot Collector's DVD Set. I was expecting it to arrive by 30th of July but it came 2 weeks earlier. No wonder the shipping cost more than the DVD set itself! The DVD is 19.90 US, but the shipping is 29 US!! Then the shipping was done by USP and it was very fast too. Still I read some ppl can get the postage cheaper by asking their US mates to send from the US to thier country and it cost a fraction of the cost! Common mistakes when purchasing on the internet, the shipping charges are inflated as hell. Here's the picture to the left, with some details hidden form view :P

Edit: I realized the price of shipping was wrong 1st time around, not 27, but 29.

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