Last week Microsoft annouced the price of the Xbox 360; it will cost only US399!!! So cheap for such a powerful and highly capable console! I want I want! Somemore it comes with the console, the removable hard disk, a wireless controller, a headset for Xbox live, a special DVD remote and HD_Tv cables (if we are ever going to afford a TV as expensive as a Kancil to use that cable). Somemore it comes with 30 day free trial of Xbox Live! It is due to arrive soon at the end of the year in US, Japan and Europe, but gods knows when it will come to Singapore or let alone Australia. So no chance of getting one while I am still here :( Still, I wonder if I can cough up US 399 for the console itself and another US100 for 2 Xbox 360 games. Atleast the Xbox 360 is better than spending RM 1500 on a Sony PSP, which I still thinking if I should get one as the 360 will take a while to arrive in Singapore. I'm sure got some ppl go and import the 360 from Japan, but like the first PS2s to arrive from Japan, it will cost a bomb :(

Today I went on a field trip to the Brukunga Fire Training Centre 40km from Adelaide. Guess it was part of the benefits of doing the Fire Engineering Elective :P Anyway got to see the facilities where firefighters are trained and some pretty expensive fire simulators for them to be trained. The picture on the left you see a tanker hot pad training rig which is called the "upside down LPG barbecue under water " tha t cost half a million dollars. It can simulate smoke coming out from the tyres, fire on the tanker itself and the big one, a big bad flame on the road, or in the following picture:-

On the pad. Take note that when I took this picture IT IS VERY VERY HOT. There is alot of radiant heat coming from the pad itself flame and being an LPG flame with little or no smoke the combustion is almost perfect. Also take note at how far I am standing from; it is quite some distance from the rig itself and I can feel my fore head (the only part exposed, except the hands and face) beginning to get hot as well.
Here are 2 more pictures showing another "upsude down barbecue under water" hot pad.

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