Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Went shopping :)

Yesterday I went to Marion Shopping Center in the southwest part of Adelaide. Took the usual bus to the city and then another bus down south. The place is very far but atleast I have been to that part of Adelaide. Lepak for a few hours there, mostly looking at games and toys :P

The shopping complex is like Alamanda in Putrajaya, where the carpark is adjacent to the shopping area. It has only 2 stories, but house all the big retailers like Myer, Davond Jone, Harref Scarf, hypermaket retailers like Target, K-mart, Big-W amd supermarket like Coles and Woolworths; all under 1 roof! Funny thing is that Coles is on the 2nd floor while Woolworths is on the first floor and not next to eaxh other.

Oh, suprisingly there are no Christmas carols jiggling away at max volume. Most probably the ppl here grew tired of it after sooo long. Or maybe too early for Christmas. Then again there is a Santa Claus where kids can sit on his lap with a X'mas tree behind him.

So did I bought anything? Well I bought the map of Victoria and Melbourne. Then a "toy" for myself. It is a Lego arc fighter with movable S-foils. Call me a little kid or whatever, but I rather spend AU 70 on this than on Xbox or PC games when I have not fully played those games. I always wanted a model in my room, first it was the land raider, then a basalisk, a mech, then I prefer something that can withstand a lot of punishment and can be diassembled for the trip home.

In fact, thinking back about all the lego toys I have, I actually have ALOT of them. Most of the biggies are from the 1980s and early 1990s. Went to ebay and the net to look up, and gosh, I was surprised at the quality of legos in those days. Compared to this ARC fighter the box has so much air I wonder what the heck was Lego thinking. No wonder Lego is reporting losses.

Sadly the majority of pieces are either loss or mixed up with some other sets. hopefully if I keep this model intact and as a MODEL, it should remain intact.

Here are some Lego sets which I USED to have them in 1 piece.

Yellow roof house with caravan

Bank with armored van that can "secure" the safe

Fire truck with retractable ladder

Airport, where now I only have 3 out of 4 jet engines, still have the dish and the odd shape control tower glass

Parking garage with gas station and car wash!!! my best set ever!!!

Police truck with sirens and sound

Ultralight plane. Looks very familier

Sports car with bike trailer..still remember the car and trailer


4X4 with suspension (so far I have never seen this type of suspension anymore)

Utility repair lift (the wonders of lego)

Tow truck , recognized it by the red pulley with the highway logo

Shell tanker. I remember having a shell tanker, but not sure if it was this though

Fishing Boat. An actual boat that actually FLOATS!!!

Coast guard boat with deployable dinghy. One day I saw on TV a coast guard boat which can deploy a dinghy just like this boat and I instantly remember about this set.

Some M:tron space sets with luminous panels and attennas :P

I think I just stopped for now... AS you can see, this is only legos which I still can remember.. there are many many more other toys as well...

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