Right now the only way I can surf using my laptop is using the home wifi. It is provided by a router with an in-built modem that supports wifi and up to 4 Lan ports. So far the modem is very good as it can connect to internet easily and is xbox live friendly (as in no need to do advanced settings to connect).
The problem now is... WHY THE HECK THE SIGNAL KEEP DROPPING OUT FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON???!?! Definetely not the walls since it is quite near the router. I think could be the internet connection, if it drops, so does the wifi signal. Or maybe after I set the WEP (wireless encrpytion) the problem occured. Or maybe because my brother downloads stuff like crazy. But late at night when I am surfing and my brother is asleep no problem with the line.
This problem annoys me since it is very bad to talk via msn. Send 1 msg, disconnect and then you have to send again since the person you msg thought you disconnect. Then when the person wants to send msg, you disconnect and he/she can't send the msg. Unlike ICQ msn can't send pm when the receiver is offline. GRRRR...
most probably it is just streamyx :P