Friday, March 24, 2006

Almost a month

I had worked almost a month now. Just one more week to mark the first month of working. Tomolo not going to play MW as everyone else has some work to do. Good for me though, get to zzzzzzz for the week ahead. For someone who likes to take naps and sleep long hours working the whole day is very tiring... and my office maintain a 5 day week with normal work hours somemore! (too expensive and not that productive to work on Sat).

Dunno why I want suddenly thinking to buy a land raider sculpt for display when my CBT gladiator is still in pieces inside its plastic blister. Must atleast get that mech walking b4 I decide to get anymore "dust-gatherers". Maybe it is because I pass by Amcorp mall everyday to and from work that I should check out Wolf's place.

Haih, nowawdays also not many ppl online to chat with. Even when they are online, there are away or busy.. must be a busy time for everyone (including me!)

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