Saturday, June 17, 2006

My phone experience something very funny yesterday and the day before. For some unknown reason, I can't make a call out or sms ppl, but I can receive calls and smses. Then by afternoon yesterday my phone is able to make calls like normal.

Must be the fact that on Wednesday I made a call to Singapore while in Segamat, Johor for a meeting. Had to spend the whole day out of the office to attend the meeting there, so had to call Singapore bout my progress on their project.

After that I think Celcom mush have thought my phone has been stolen and used to dial international numbers from another location compared to the Klang Valley. Since everything is back to normal again it could be that the network is unrealiable that the time of the call..... very unlikey since I tried to sms while the LRT was passing by the Telekom building on Thusday!!!

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