Saturday, July 15, 2006

My 360 has arrive!!! Collected it on Thursday night from the seller in 1Utama, then went online with it last night :P

I must say that this console is very very advanced and the present TV in my house does not do it justice. What I need now is either a HDTV plasma or get a VGA cable adaptor to appreaciate the graphics better. The controller is totally wireless and can start the console remotely.

As you can see, the color scheme is all white in color, unlike the color scheme of the origianl Xbox or the ps2. Adapting the Ipod whiteness to appeal to more ppl it seems. My Panasonic tv still works perfectly even after all these years :)

So the games I got is Project Gotham Racing 3, a racing game, Perfect Dark Zero, a First Person shooter and Fifa World cup 2006 football game. Still have not managed to play the Fifa game coz the disc got problem; darn EA. Hopefully can get it replaced soon.

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