Monday, August 07, 2006

My brother and I have been playing the 360 lately. So far my brother seem to be better in some of the games I bought. In PGR3 he drives better and has more $$$ and cars than me. When it comes to Fifa World Cup 2006 he can play better and not tackle everyone, resulting in less red card issued. He even won the World Cup with England!

Anyway, I have been playing a bit of DoW with the new enhanced AI mod. I would say the computer dun attack you so fast and thier attack force is less compared to last time. But they are now very smart.

Here's a typical scenario: I have build up enough squads of marines and pushed the enemy back to his base. When I arrive at his base, there is no one to greet me and the buildings are clear. So I proceed to attack the buildings in the enemy base. During that time I can see the computer calling in some squads into the buildings. Not a problem since my force is big enough to deal with them.

Just then out of nowhere, this DREADNOUGHT appears and I am forced to retreat since:
1) my force has little to no anti-armor weapons
2) my machine temple/base/factory isn't ready
3) my machine temple/base/factory is ready but so far away

So I have no choice but to retreat and see my men being tossed about by the dreadnought. After awhile the computer has more armor than the anti-armor weapons I have and proceed to defeat me.

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