Thursday, September 21, 2006

Here's a little something I thought about:

Remember the 7 Cs? Whereby,
Cash -Rich
Car -Got wheels
Condominium - A property in the sky
Club Membership - Self explanatory
Career - Stable Job
Credit Card - Swipe Away!
Company/CEO - Own a company

Now there's 7 Ms, whereby
Mansion - Condo penthouse or bungalow is not big enough
Mercedes/Mustang - Not just any car!
Money - Rich!
Manager - Not only a stable job, but high position
Musician - To impress the ladies
Masters Degree - Knowledge is power
Mustache - Err.....

Or Bs, whereby
Boss - Da'boss
Bugatti/Brabus - A Mercedes isn't going to cut it
Bungalow - How needs a condo?
Bachelor Degree - Knowledge is power
Bonus - Stable pay is not enough
Bank - Own a bank

This is all I can think of so far. Maybe there's more to add in the future.

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