Saturday, September 30, 2006

I kinda amazed on the entries made by the Xbox 360 blog site. When you never play with it says the darnest things. Like " I have seen wierd things, but my owner not playing today really takes the cake!" or " I'm going to make you play tomolo, just you wait!! I'm not Kidding!!". When I do play it, it then shower praises like it has been waiting to be played for years. Of it also complains I play too short. Acutally yesterday (Friday night) I did play my Xbox, just didn't bother to go online with it. So the server which hosts and generates the blog "thinks" I didn't play.

For those who think I have neglected my 360 due to the constant rants and pleas by the 360 (as if it has feelings lol), dun worry, it is in good hands.

Enough talking bout my 360, now to other news...

It has been 1 year since I went to Uluru. Still remember the date I was there; 25,26,27 September and the sweet memories there. So happen 25/9 was the birthday of someone I know. Arrive there on the 25, went to visit The Rock on the 26 and 27.

For the post that explains the entire trip, here's the link

Here's a group photo of the members in our tour group. Note that there were 3 S.Koreans, 2 Japanese, 2 from France, 3 Singaporeans, 1 American, 1 South African, 1 British, 1 Malaysian and the rest Australians (I think), so we have ppl from almost all parts of the world in our group. Can you match who is from where?

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