Monday, October 23, 2006

I got a new HP. Bought the Nokia N80 from Sungai Wang coz there are many hp shops there and can get a good price if you look hard enough. Decided against N73 coz the key pad too small, no wifi (for something so expensive, no wifi??) and time to change to a slider phone instead of a candy bar phone.

Here is the close-up of my phone in action. Has a very bright LCD screen and cool blue color keys. The transparent case around the phone is for protection but still has openings for the keypads and other important functions like cameras etc.

The picture below shows the number of phones I have used since I got the first one circa 1997/98. Kinda stick to Nokia all this while. My brother used Motorola, Alcatel and my dad Sony Ericsson in addition to Nokia phones. But my brother who usually can recommend handphones say Motorola do hang sometimes and I have seen my dad's Sony Ericsson P910i hang a couple of times, so Nokia is the way to go for next gen phones. Let's see if this phone lives up to its expectations and do not hang like the rest (from what I read on internet forums, N80s do have problems, just like 360s for that matter, so fingers crossed).

Kinda amazing to see how far hps have gone smaller and smaller and smarter and has cameras (N80 has 2, one behind and 1 in front) and has color lcds in a span of less than 10 years.

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