Sunday, January 14, 2007

2006 year in review

I have updated my links to include my bro's blog and my ex-classmate's blog. My brother abandoned his previous blog and attain a new web address as his previous one I can pretty much say has been "taken over".

Anyway I was thinking of writing the review of the year 2006, but never got around to it coz there is simple too many things to write about. Then I pop over to Eve's blog and saw her method of reviewing the year 2006 which is in point form instead of paragraph form like what I did last year.

So in a blatant act of copying her method, here was how 2006 was like:

  • January and February was busy looking for job, sending out resumes and going for interviews.
  • Started working life on 1st March 2006.
  • March was quite boring and confusing as still learning to know the ins and outs of what I;m actually supposed to do. Earned first paycheck at the end of that month.
  • As the months progressed, learned more of the trade and the scope of my job. Getting more and more capable to do things.
  • Found out that work is tough.. ok enough of it.
  • Used the LRT to commute everyday and found out just how unrealiable and how crowded it can be. Atleast they already ordered the new trains, but still have to wait.
  • Bought my Xbox 360 which I was planning to get since last year 2005 with my 1st, 2nd, 3rd and maybe fourth paycheck with 2 games!
  • Upgraded my handphone from my Nokia 7250 to the Nokia N80. First handphone to be bought by myself (the earlier ones were handed down from my parents), 6th Nokia phone to be used by me and most the expensive one to date (ouch).
  • Sponsored the new TV table for our new TV to play my 360.
  • Meet up and getting to know more of ppl from 5B like hui ling, chew, the low brothers and many more.
  • Got the new Dark Crusade expansion original.
  • Still no girlfriend and still have not met the special someone :(
  • Didn't go anywhere for holiday :(
  • Took only 2 days leave from March 1st to December 31st.
  • Not a single MWDA game played in 2006.
All in all, 2006 wasn't as memorable as 2005, with the holiday to Uluru, falling in love (and having a girl reject, ouch), graduate from uni and many more. But 2006 was still a good year as the year was prosperous and nothing bad as occured during the year.

Let's hope 2007 will be better as I am hoping that:
  • I will with someone special and have a girlfriend by the years end. (hopefully)
  • Maintain the momentum in my career and the ecomony is stable
  • Meet up with more people
  • Get a PS3 and a Wii.
  • Upgrade my desktop to play Supreme Commander
Currently I'm more keen on the first point that anything else.

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