Thursday, July 05, 2007

I have already watched Transformers. Excellent movie to watch!

Bumblebee is one transformer everyone loves. Who doesn't want a car which can transform into the latest wheels out there, help you pick up girls, doesn't need you to refuel it (I have yet to know how those bots refuel) and drive on its own? I want!

Used to watch the The Transformers: The Movie when I was small. Will really love the chance to watch it again; hopefully the DVD will come out. Oh wait it was on DVD, but in Aussie. Of course, there were certain things which is impossible to show in a life action movie. Like Megatron transforming into a handheld gun. Devastator appearing inside a small space shuttle (astrotrain). Soundwave having multiple cassettes (those old plastic rectangular thingies with magnetic strips) in its torso.

Still to someone who love transformers, it is a classic.

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