Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ever wonder how Jazz ended up getting killed in Transformers the Movie 2007?

Well it all went like this:-
OP= Optimus Prime, J= Jazz, I= Ironhide, R= Ratchet, B=Bumblebee

OP: Guys, the director says that one of us must die in this movie, otherwise it is less "cinematic".
J,I,R,B: Oh man!
OP: So who it's going to be? I mustn't die in this movie since I am the heroic Optimus Prime and I have already sacrifice myself in the first movie. The director is trying to avoid the same negative response like what happend during the first movie where I was killed by Megatron.
I: Me neither! I have already been killed in the first movie when Megatron and gang boarded our shuttle last time! All Optimus fault for sending me to earth coz he needs some extra..
OP: Stop passing the blame or I'll choose you to be the one this time. In fact if you had been a little more patient and stop complaining maybe I won't send you anyway. Rachet, what do you think?
R: I'm with Ironhide on this one, I got blown to bits on that shuttle too. Darn barely a few seconds on screen and I'm dead.
OP: OK, ratchet and ironhide is out. Bumblebee?
B: Ohhh noo.... it will be very anti-climax for my character to die. I'm more famous than Opti..
OP: Bumblebee....
B:... Ironhide and gang. Besides, are you going to make the kids sad to lose his friend?
OP: Alright, so that leaves Jazz.
J: errr...look I understand that you and Ironhide and ratchet got killed in the first movie and don't want to be killed again, but can't it be Bumblebee? He got more screen time than me!
B: I repeat again, i am the main character..
J:.. and main characters do die.
OP: Any other reasons compared to screen time? I need to make a decision.
J: Can't you persuade the director to not have someone.. I think any Autobot killed? There is only 5 of us max in the movie!
OP: I have no choice, it's needed.
J,B,I,R: Haih.......
OP: Most likely it will be you Jazz, coz Ironhide will be the pickup truck for the human soldier at the end and he is needed for the next movie to teach the humans 'weapons and tactics'. Ratchet, the directors says he needs you for some 'repairing' scene in the next movie as well. Bumblebee the main human hero needs a ride he knows bests so you are to kept alive. As for Jazz.... so far there is no scene for you in the next movie.
J: haih....
J:If I have looked a little harder into Moon base one's sensors and spot Razor beak on that window...

The End.

Note that you need to watch the original Transformer movie to understand part of it. But still funny nonetheless.

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