Saturday, October 06, 2007

Here are some of my photos of the Deceptercons having some sort of discussion.

Blackout: Take a look at my cool spinner melee weapon!! Can spin really smooth!!
Thundercracker: You have the ability to fly. Why bother with melee combat? You can just fly away! Besides, range combat is better than melee!
Bonecrusher: Not fair, you get cool weapon, you are voyager class, and your alt and robot mode rocks!! I hate you Hasbro! I hate you Michael Bay!! I hate you Blackout!!!!
Brawl: Nice weapon, but better have a large big-oh cannon just in case :)
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Frontal view
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View from the side
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How the blades are positioned on blackout
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Scorponok given with blackout. As you can see, it is like an afterthought.
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Edit: I have made some photos smaller to fit the blog. You may need to click on it to see it clearly

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