Saturday, November 03, 2007

yes, this will be another post about Transformers, but now I practically have almost ALL the available toys I can buy except Bumblebee and Ironhide. Both are in Insane demand now and I'm better off buying one later this year or next year. Which is good news for my pocket.

Oh ya, forgot to mention I already acquired my last (hopefully) leader class transformer toy, Optimus Prime. Bought the Takara version instead of the usual Hasbro version. Cost me RM 245 inclusive of shipping. The most expensive purchase so far.

So let's see what I have:
1) Voyager Thundercracker
2) Voyager Rescue Ratchet
3) Deluxe Jazz
4) Deluxe Brawl
5) Deluxe Bonecrusher
6) Voyager Blackout
7) Leader Megatron
8) Leader Brawl (ppl think I'm crazy buying 2 versions of Brawl)
9) Deluxe Recon Barricade
10) Deluxe Longarm
11) Leader Optimus Prime

Deluxe is small size, Voyager is big size, Leader is well... biiiiggg size.

wow... that's one long list.

On another front been playing Team Fortress 2 ALOT. So alot that I didn't bother to play Half-Life 2 Episode 1 and 2 that has a hot chick called Alyx to guide you along. Must devote time to play everything in the Orange box AND my xbox 360. need Halo3.. need Halo3... oh wait, too busy hunting Transformers and enemies in TF2.

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