Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Take a look at all my souvenirs I brought back from Beijing, China :)

Went to Beijing for holiday from the 4th to the 10th of June 2008. Didn't post anything immediately after the holiday coz too tired after the trip.


The list of souvenirs are:=
1) KO alternator Prowl in China police decals (amazingly accurate and well built)
2) 3 big hand-painted fridge magnets (2 of them has QC problems, haih China makes the worlds magnets and can't even get its own magnets right!!!)
3) Great Wall "hero card"; you buy it when you climb a short (but extremely steep) portion of the great wall at the top
4) OCT theater ticket (some theater performance)
5) Beijing 2008 soft toys
6) Beijing 2008 2-D fridge magnets (this ones work well)
7) Thermo-sensitive Beijing 2008 mug (decal change color when hot water is poured)
8) Forbiddden Palace museum fridge magnets (the one with the red and yellow baju)

and many more souvenirs which my parents bought for themselves. As you can see, i'm more of a fridge magnet/soft toy collector type of tourist.

Anyway the trip to Beijing was great, although it can be a little better. Few things about this Beijing trips:-
1) Tour agency will bring you to some tourist sales place like those selling pearls, tea, herbal medicine etc, bring you into a room (not locked I can assure you) and give some lecture/demo and after that expect you to buy. Can't blame the tourist companies, its their tourist dept. directive. And the prices are not cheap either since you are paying tourist price. One of the places sell burn cream and the demonstrator actually BURN himself with a glowing hot heated chain to show how effective it is. Some can even get upset if they know they will not get the sales.
2) Shopping in their "pasar malam" type of shopping center can make even the BEST bargain hunters KALAH TERUK. Some of the sales ladies/men are well verse in English and know how to bargain to their advantage. Also they will quote a substantially higher price and you need to bargain it down to appropriate levels, though the price of TF there seem like those in toy shops in KL.
3) Beijing has been cleaned up for the 2008 games. No kidding, all the buses are new (including our tour bus), the streets are repaved and alot of places are still under construction (will they make it). But some roads can see 1 storey high walls along the streets to block the view from the main road of the houses/shops behind it. Like DBKL build a huge mural to block the view of some setinggan houses around KL from the road.
4) The new Beijing Terminal 3 airport is BIG. BIIGGGGG.
5) Our flight from KLIA to Beijing was delayed, so had to stay in the KLIA air-port hotel (no not Pan Pacific, the hotel inside the satellite building) for 1 night, depart in the morning.
6) Beijing is hazy.
7) Great wall is STEEP.
8) The birds nest is cool :)
9) There is ALOT of Knock off stuff. Fake Ipod, fake cell phone, fake Ultimate Bumblebee, Fake Leader OP, fake Louise Vutton wallet, Fake ... anything!! Even saw fake X5 and CRV.

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