Saturday, August 09, 2008

Kelana Jaya Putra LRT Station parking

LRT is convenient, fast and ok to the pocket (not cheap, but not too expensive either). But getting to and from the station from the house is another story. Unless you live near one, you need to drive to the station and park you car there.

In the morning it is safe coz there is a lot of ppl coming in at the same time and can park nearer to the station. Going back is another story. If you park some distance away, like underneath the power lines, then going back to your car late is very very dark. also, there is not proper pavement and not even proper road!

Kelana jaya LRT putra parking

Picture shows in the evening as I approach my car. I park here around 11 something since I got a meeting in the morning. usually I tumpang my dad since he work in Kelana Jaya. Dunno how much I have saved in petrol and parking :P

It is possible to extend the parking area even more, since there are ample space beneath the power lines. But is is very very far to walk!!!
Kelana jaya LRT putra parking

If there is any rant, well there is alot actually, is this:-
1) 2 years ago when I started working the area beneath the power lines was FREE after a certain period since there aren't many cars
2) Parking fee went from RM 1 to RM 2 and now RM 2.50
3) Atleast the crusher run is still.. flat. The other area nearer to the station is like the moon. Over-roading goodness? Come here!!
4) No lights, no security (as if anyone cared anyway)
5) Cars parked extremely near to each other, so need good parking skills. Luckily the big boys (aka big S-classes and the like) are not parked here.

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