Ever encounter a situation like this?
You spent the entire morning preparing your materials to meet your client, only at the last minute your senior comes in, have a look at have you have prepared, only to say that you should add in this and that or you miss out something?
Well when you are new this always kinda happens since you dun know what is required or simply dun know what you ought to do (which unfortunately this can only be learned by experience lol). However when you realized what's lacking it really makes you wanna scream "AARRRGGHHHHHH~!!!!!"
Other than that, had the usual lazing and digging up the store during Hari Raya Haji weekend. Miss those days where I had more toys in better condition that it is now. Among the toys I used to have:
Lego sets, ranging from Airport to Parking Garage with elevator
Matchbox cars, lots of it with some HoT wheels, Tomicas and Majorettes and Corgis as well as Cap Ayam brands.
Micro Machines playset, got toolbox, carwash, bridge, motel, quarry, train and aircraft carrier
and basically those were the big 3 types of toys which I remembered having the most nostalgic value. They simply DUN MAKE TOYS LIKE THEY USED TO.
Micro machines> small and easily chokable. Lawyers today are too free. Or many too labor intensive.
Lego> Not as detailed as last time, and alot of unique pieces. Look at the airport set of today against the one from the 1980s, the old one is WAY BETTER.
MB> Bought over by MATTEL, heresy to the MB brand
And dun get me started on cartoons (good old days where ppl shoot each other with guns are long gone).
Of course during the whole weekend I was thinking, I really ought to be going out with someone :(
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