Sunday, April 12, 2009

Toys? Collectibles? Prefer Girls

I dunno why, but my interest seems to change from time to time. Started with computer games in secondary school when I got my Pentium 100 back in 96, then:-
1) Mechwarrior collectible minitures game in college and 1st year of uni (2002-2004)
2) Xbox during 2nd year in uni and 1st year of working (2005-2006)
3) Transformers (2007)
4) Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Tomica (2008 to present- cheaper than TFs as TFs are too expensive to buy)
5) Lego (2009 to present, only selected sets)

Would really love to add in "Girls" too, but so far I just don't have the luck finding the right one :(

For no. (1), (3), and (4) somehow somewhat the item I want just magically appear after a short while waiting. Like this weekend found this Blue Hot Wheels 09 Bluebird (looking everywhere, cannot find) in Subang Parade as my parents somehow decided to go to Cold Storage. If only I had that kind of luck when it comes to meeting girls.

1 comment:

  1. Well for me the girl friend thingy, I think you got to be equip with understand how does relationship works before you start. You may need to know the language of LOVE and also know to maintain one. If you 1 to know more about Boy & Girl relationship u can drop some email n I try to help.
