Monday, May 16, 2005

Got Xbox oledi!!

Remember I told myself last week that I might get an Xbox the same time next week? Well, I proved myself that I simply cannot wait for stuff when bought my Xbox on Friday, MAy 13th 2005. Kinda iconic date too. The MTV Xbox 360 show in aussie is shown on this day. IT was Friday the 13th. And may 13th is one period in history no one wants to tell me.

Bought the Xbox for Au 199 from Cash Converters at Gouger street near Chinatown. I figured it was ok for that price since a 1 year old Xbox cost about the same on Ebay (more on that later) and come with the usual bells and whistles. So for Au 199, I got an Xbox made in September last year with a controller and cables. They were even willing to test my Xbox for me to see if it works, so that is another high point there. Most importantly, it has a PHILIPS DVD DRIVE, not the sucky Thompson drive everyone has been complaining about. I choose the one made in 2004 coz I have heard of drives not being able to read new games like Forza Motorsport and the like. It has some scrathes here and here and came without the box and manual, but the hardware works prefect and it still unmodded. I don't mind getting the box really, since I am going to put the Xbox in my bag (surprised it can fit) and bring it home without telling the whole world I bought an Xbox. Then the box will most probably be placed somewhere else anyway. The lack of manual is ok also.Being a computer user the Xbox should be idiot friendly. However, the BIGGEST surprise in the Xbox was that it contained 23 CDs worth of songs in its hard disk. The previous owner must have loaded it up and used the Xbox as a media player. It contains songs like Avril Laving... how she is named?... , eminem (his song SUCKS, yet MTV loves him), michael jackson, limp bizkit, south park and many more. In all those songs I would prefer Linkin Park. Atleast they don't swear AT ALL.

I bought 2 games to go with my Xbox, Mechassault (being a mech nut, it is very obvious) and Halo 2 (insert reason here) Limited Edition. The LE version of Halo is comes in a silver case and give a bonus DVD. Halo 2 was fun to play, yet I have not unlock its full potential yet since I am deciding on how to connect my Xbox to the internet. Spend Au 97 on Halo 2 LE and Au 40 for mechassault. Arrggghh.... so expensive!!

Currently I am playing ,my Xbox outside in the common area. Everytime have to carry the big Xbox outside with the cables and all that to play (right now it is placed at the common area temporary, malas to bring it back and bring it over there again and quite safe up here). To play online, I might now need a 20-25 meter long telephone or ethernet cable which I need to tarik from my room to the common area!!! At this rate I better get a TV for myself since the hassle of wiring and connecting is too great. Yeah, need to spend another Au99 for a TV!!

Rented Project Gotham racing to try it out. Can play it for a week, which it good for short games like Halo 2 but I was surprised at the games offerred; KOTOR? Morrowwind? NFSU2? Burnout2? GTA3?.. all this games are meant to be played for a long long time wan. Where are games like Republic Commando or Lego Star Wars which is short and fun and perfect for a rental?.. oh well..

Wow, talk so much about Xbox. Anyway, finally I gotten my Xbox and hopefully I can concentrate on studying. ..oh ya, I LOST that auction I mentioned in the earlier post. The way ppl bid on Ebay is cut-throat. People dun bid 1 hour before it ends, or 15 minutes before it ends, but 5 minutes before it ends. This, and the fact that the price went up threw the roof , made me to decide to buy one from Cash Converters. Gald I lost that auction and bought one the old fashion way. Also wanted to buy a Daishi LEAD figure, but since I set the maximum bid so low and was not really interested in it (note: was busy thinking about Xbox and preminilary report, otherwise... IT IS A DAISHI WHY DIDN"T I BID HIGHER!!!@#$!@#@$%!) , someone outbid me.. again.

1 comment:

  1. im having a headache already..trying to slowly digest ur blog entries... gosh..u sound like a rich ***. so much money to spend... but then again... i dun spend much money on other things do you? :)
