Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Pre-report = so much work

Just got back from uni. Left uni at 10:15 then took the security bus home. Not many people at this tyime of the year which stay up late. I think later part of the year only when final report is due then only got more ppl stay up late. The uni really ought to have a room to sleep lol at the rate we are working until so late at night. For once sleeping in the office sounds like a good idea.

Going to meet the person who thought of the idea for our project tomolo. Dunno what we are going to say to him. Most likely just tell him everything we have done to date and try to answer all the questions he throw at us. No marks are given for this, but our supervisor made it like he is our client and must be prepared to chair a meeting for him. Oh well...

Bout the Xbox thing, i signed up with Ebay and Paypal yesterday. Pretty easy to sign up. Use my uni e-mail instead of my gmail account for Ebay. Good also lah, since my Gmail once in a while get some stuff which i dun want ppl to see. Found some good deals over ebay too. Eyeing one xbox on sale here in adelaide itself. Not sure how much the price will go up, but I would bid for it if the price is reasonable. Hope no one will outbid me. Everyone seems to be waiting till the last minute then bid for stuff... i will do the same to keep the initial cost low. Putting a high bid will only make ppl raise the price for no reason.

that's all for now. If everything goes well I might be getting the xbox tomolo by winning that bid. Hopefully can get xbox by next week tuesday (monday is a holiday).

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