Saturday, May 07, 2005


Meant to type this out on 050505 (5th may 2005), but due to time constrains I am now typing it on 070505. Last thursday was a so so day. Felt free since I did and handed in my assignment a day early. Also the meeting with my project supervisor is short and brief. Since I was the one assigned to do the meeting minutes, I used my MP3 player with recording capabilites to record the meeting. The recording is in a wav. format and only about 7 megs for 30+ minutes.

But when I reached home I found out that my MP3 player has some memory problems!! I wanted to listen to my MP3 on it but it displayed no files found! Earlier I plug it into the university computer to put the recording in the shared folder just in case, somehow the computer in uni format/rewrite something on it to make my files invisible. I can't see or use it, but it still occupies the space in the plater. I immediately thought why it was so darn free.

So I did a quick format of the player and now I can play my mp3s on it. I lost the recording on my player, but luckily there is a copy in the uni's computer. Then came my next problem : the left head phone is not working!!! Oh great, after i format it the player is now kaput. so i tried it on my computer to see what's wrong and turns out that the head phone itself is faulty, not the player. Great, 2 things went wrong in one go on a single device.

On 050505 i heard that the price of petrol and diesel in m'sia went up by 10 sens and 20 sens respectively. Not surprise to see the rise, kinda expected it since the gov is subsidising fuel for ages and it is only a matter of time before the bubble blows. Hope that cause car sales to drop and the public transport improve. Why car sales drop? Cheaper to get my dream car :)

Then i got another surprise : Wizkids sent me a Falcon's Prey LE figure! It is the DF tundra wolf, M.D Thompkins. Must have won the draw in march or feabruary when i acutally did play. yeah, another one to the mech bay!

Did nothing much on friday:)

Today went to uni to do some work, then left after a few hours coz nothing much can be done yet and it is on a weekend! Then i proceded to look around and see how much an xbox cost. I know that the launch of the new Xbox is only in a week, but I cannot wait to get that machine in my hands!!!!! So i went up and down Rundle mall looking and comparing prices of the games and the systems. Some, like myers, a department store, sell at the maximum price possible for its games. Some, like a shop which specializes in electronic media and devices, sell it 20 to 40 bucks cheaper! Then i also noticed a shop selling computer games 5 bucks cheaper like if you walk down let's say 200 metres from EB games, which ppl flock to it like it's the place to buy. Found out that the price of a new xbox is pretty much standard all around, with the exception of the value pack. The value pack cost slightly more and has a few things inside like special vouchers and stuff, but it was amazing to see a huge price difference when you buy it in a departmental store and a specialized store.

did I bought one?

No , unfortunately :( I decided to buy the used Xboxs that are sold in EB, but they currently have no used xbox for sale! Mind you that a used one is fully tested, gurranted for a whole year and cost 100 bucks less. The sales guy also mentioned it was quite rare to get a used one but one should most likely pop up soon as Xbox 2 will come. Buying a new one now is like suicide as uncle bill might reduce the price of a new xbox once he announce xbox 2 (the most logical assumption, what better way to drive the old stock out?) . I would have purchase an xbox costing 149 ON THE SPOT if there is any. But alas there are none. I actually went to cash-converters in chinatown to see the price but it was around 199 , near an estimated reduce price of 200-220 if m'soft cut the xbox price. So for now, the xbox have to wait another week :(

Anyway, got to know of the various available out there. There is one xbox bundle with discount coupons for games totalling 100. Cost ok too, aud 276, so if the coupons are cashed in the price of the xbox itself is around 170 something for a NEW xbox. I asked the store guy bout the coupons and he gave me quite an honest answer. Turns out those coupons are out-dated and m'soft will print new ones to replace them. Problem is, those coupons aren't printed yet and it is only redeemable for some games only. So yeah, things in the bargain bin basically. Other stuff that come with that xbox is the original Halo which I played it on my computer and finished it and useless stuff like cd holders and the above mentioned coupons. I rather get a whole new one for AU 249 and buy my own games. The good thing about that shop is that there are selling limited edition mechassault and halo 2 plus some other games at a better rate than EB. So might go there to buy games when i get my xbox.

Will I wait until my birthday to get an xbox? At this rate, most likely I will be playing with one same time next week. ( You can look forward to that, with sleepless nights and literally dreamed about it in my sleep)

1 comment:

  1. Note: at 1.22 am on 14th of May 2005 I am busy playing Halo 2. Finish the game several hours later. So a very accurate prediction by myself :)
