Wednesday, May 04, 2005

One ass. done!!!

Finally completed one assigment !! ass for short. It was the advance vibration assignment which is due tomolo on the 5th, but stayed at uni doing it until 11 pm and thus finishing it so that I am now free!! free to sleep after not getting enough sleep yersterday!

After I came back from uni on the last bus at 11.15pm, I on my computer and surf the net for a while. Then my friend came online and wanted to play MW4 Mercs online. He managed to borrow an ori copy from someone, which means he can have every single mech/weapon/map that came with the Mektek pack. First time he is trying out the new toys too. Played until 2am in the morning before we quit as it was late and i got class at 9am this morning!!! .. as usual not enough sleep ..

The connection was ok. I was the host throughout the time. Had some very stupid occasion where my friend spawned right next to my assault class annihilator several times in a row. Pretty one sided since he was a mad cat with long range weapons and I was an assault mech with super-dooper short range weapons. Slaughtered him several times in a row. After that in the next map we actually walked some distance from each other b4 firing. Dunno how the spawn system works....

Like I mentioned earlier, got class at 9am.. then have to stay back at uni till 6pm to do final year porject. The project is taking a toll on me and my teammates. So MANY THINGS TO DO!!!!... but everything looks under control though.... hopefully..

Then during lunch I when over to EB games to see if there is anything new. For some unknown reason EB seems to have sales for Xbox and PS2 games. The new consoles are coming perhaps? Or maybe there is no backwards compatibility for the new Xbox or PS3? The sad thing is that the Xbox price for new one is still the same .. haih....... and another sad thing is that computer games also no change in price :(

There was Forza Motorsport on display though. It is an Xbox game and also called the GT4 killer coz ... well it is on the Xbox and GT4 is on the PS2. IMHO Forza has an earlier learning curve and easier to control the car. The controls for the game, which is the Xbox controller is just right. Right analog stick for view, right trigger for acceleration, left trigger for acceleration, and left analog stick for steering. The Xbox controller is wayyyy more ergo and easier to handle than the PS2 controller, that's why it is so easy to get in. Now after I had tried on the Xbox controller, I really really really want to get an Xbox. It's so much better than the overwiegh PS2 controller where the analog sticks is like it was added as an afterthought. So hard on my hands!

*** looks at possibility of getting an Xbox 2**** yeah, would be great if it came out in June or July where I can get my hands on one without killing myself by waiting for an Xbox2.

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