Have not been able to blog anything lately. So much work that when I come home i am simple too lazy to do anything that require some thinking (writing this blog with proper English is one of them). My Xbox also I never play as often when I first got it. Maybe it is because I got a RPG game which will suck up so much time I rather not start on it otherwise I will play it for 3-6 hours none stop. Also, got some pretty good stuff to play on the PC at the moment.
First is the F.E.A.R demo. It rocked when I saw it when it was shown on E3, it rocked again when I tried the demo! Too bad my computer isn't up to par with the required specs needed to run the game as intended, but my computer has just enough juice to allow the "bullet time" and particle effects to be displayed :P The graphics was superb! The wait to download it, stalled at 98%, downloaded it AGAIN payed off.
Then there is the Dungeon Siege 2 Demo. It was a whopping 1.5 gigs to download. Thankfully it was downloaded without any hitch at all. The game was ok, the sheer size of the download was due to the fact it came with a full motion video introduction of more than 5 minutes and some fantastic cutscenes. Played it pass the first mission and stopped there though. One rpg at a time is enough.
So that's 2 games in the horizon to get, provided my computer still has the power to play them. Somemore I am expecting Serious Sam 2, Star Wars Battlefront 2, the Dawn of War Expansion..... .. Xbox 360, PSP... so many things to play not enough time nor money!
Tommorow I am going to attent the one and only Level 4 lab this semester; The Air-con lab. It is at the Thebarton campus west of the city. From what I see, I can get there without even alighting in the city as my bus will continue on past that area. Still I still need to alight as I will meet my friend for lunch b4 heading there together.
Now I got 2 assignments due in the coming weeks. Still got the seminar abstract to do somemore :P