On the way home today I thought I find out how much kilometers do I travel to and from work on an average day. So I booted up Google Earth and trace the distance from my house to my office and back.
*** Tries to upload picture and failed ****
Nvm, maybe some other time. From the looks of it I can't upload to blogger from my lappie to the router wirelessly. Oh well, next time..
Anyway, the distance I travel on average per day is 52 km. About 26km to work, 26km return. If I drive and average 17 cents a kilometer, I will have to spend 8.50 a day. For a month with 4 working weeks RM 170.00, just on petrol. Not including toll, parking etc. So no surprise of I have to spend about RM 300 just to commute.
Anyway recently someone e-mailed me asking how is Seafield. He/she wanted to know if Seafield is a better choice compared to SMKSU. I told him/her that Seafield is more friendly, the clubs are more active and the facilities are better etc with a little help from my still in Seafield brother. Later got the reply that he/she has decided to come to Seafield to start Form 1. Btw, he/she got to know about the school and my e-mail from my SMK Seafield website. Gosh, stil have not update or perform anything maintenance for it ** guitly ***.