Tuesday, April 15, 2008

There is a limit on how much one can spam on an internet forum.

Take for example the Transformers thread on Lowyat.net. Its members are ridiculous spammers. They can post until an entire thread is up in less than 1 week. Mostly picture spams of their collections. Of course there are some posts like "Good morning" or "going to so and so place, will check out TF". But from July 2007 to April 2008 they had gone through from V1 (the first thread) to the current V27. That's right, 27 threads of nothing but transformers: pictures, chit chat etc. Then in between got some out of topic stuff as well.

Mind you, a thread need to reach 2500 posts before a new one is needed.

So much so that the moderators decided to put a stop to the practice coz the other threads in the sub-forum like Gundam, hot Wheels, PVC figures have not even reached their 5th thread yet. Though our TF fan base exploded after the transformers movie, recently it there is more spam posts than last time.

That's why now the thread is a little slower now, but more meaningful posts, instead of the usual picture spam.

Can't blame Lowyat.net staff anyway. I would say it is one of the biggest forums in M'sia, with 100k over members. With so many forums and sub-forums thier servers are bound to fill up quick. And server space and power isn't infinite.

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