I have always believe that PC gaming is better. Cheaper games, availability of mods, tried and true controls for games like First Person Shooters & Real Time Strategy, ability to cheat easily, can put in your friend's save game if you give up (never used, but its nice to know you can do it) and free online gaming. ** Yes, I know PC can play ahem games, but nowadays I buy ori and have so far never bought any pirated game ***
Having an Xbox 360 is great and I can tolerate certain things like have to pay to play online if the service is good, but then things like need to PAY to unlock cheats, need to PAY to unlock stuff on the disk (cough cough EA, Chromehounds), cannot mod the game, need to pay for .. everything, even your DISPLAY PICTURE if you want to customize your looks and use a different display picture than the initial ones provided. Imagine paying MSN to use a different picture provided :P
But since it is working fine I can tolerate the above issues since I can still can play the 360 without certain things.
I am now contemplating my options the best method to fix it. If it proves too expensive to claim its official warranty I will fix it cheaply then if it dies again I'll leave it for dead. Cheaper to invest in a PS3 or to keep my PC running.
So for those of you thinking of getting a 360, make sure you are in Singapore or have good contacts there or willing to buy a backup. Wait till M'soft release the newer version which is claimed not to die so fast.
Till then, get a PS3 where you can watch blue-ray discs and still be able to play GTA4.
Or just get a PC.
Halo is overrated anyway (for someone who was spoilt by BF2PC, Unreal tournament PC, DOOM 3 PC (Xbox version was simplified) , Dawn of War, HL2, Crysis)
P.S : Forgot to add, it does not come with a wifi antenna. So if you want to connect your 360 to your wifi router you got to fork out RM 300 the 360 wifi adapter, which is PURE GORENG since I can easily get a usb wifi adapter for less than RM 100 if you buy a generic brand and the 360 is designed to only accept is own kind. Oh, PS3 comes with a wifi antenna in built.
I have been contemplating to get the wireless adapter for some time, but always shoot it down due to the ridiculous inflated high cost of it (like our cars here, TAXED to the maX!!!). Now that my 360 is spoil, good havens I didn't buy it.
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