Sunday, June 22, 2008

Beijing Trip 2

This is part 2 of my photo post from my Trip to Beijing. Part 1 showing day 1 is below.

So off to the great wall of China! Quite hazy compared to yesterday. Dunno if it is haze or mist or fog, but if you are a pilot it is really hard to see anything.

This photo shows part of the great wall across the valley.

The gate to Beijing from a small city to the left of the photo.

Part of the wall is steep.. very steep with no breaks in between. Uneven steps and the steps has sunk from constant used. So I climbed up to the tower at the top...

Only to see that you can climb even higher to the next tower. Needless to say, we turn around after that and head back down.


Next we head to a cloisonne factory where they make all this fragile pottery china. Can see how these items were made. They create the pots using copper and copper fillings. If in M'sia leaving all the copper stuff outside will result all of them gone overnight.


Then we head to this wax museum showing the periods of the Ming dynasty. The quality of the figures to say the least... China QC. There are limbs in not natural positions and some of the displays are really gathering a thick layer of dust. Then some of the exhibits are either gory and funny. Like one showing the emperor in bed with a common lady while a minister tries to speak to him outside but prevented to do so by his jaga. Then one jaga in a "HURRY UP LAH!!" stance at the door.

This one shows a "spy" in action

One the way back to the city center pass by the water cube and the bird's nest. Cannot really go near as it is still under construction.


Spotted by the "Bukit Bintang" area of Beijing for a while. There we stopped by a Macdonald's to see what they have on offer. There is grilled chicken (something like char siew chicken) burger & egg with ham pie, something different from here in M'sia. Darn, why our mac so lousy wan???

This ends my post showing photos taken on the 2nd day.. more to come !!

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