Saturday, June 28, 2008

Alternator Prowl China Police edition

One of the souvenirs I brought back from Beijing is a KO (Knock-off) Alternator Prowl in Chinese Police car design. Simply put, it is a copy of an alternator toy with chinese police car decos; and a very good one for a superbly low price of 50 Remembi = Rm 25.

We'll start with the box. The box is using an almost similar box of the Binaltech Prowl, with manual booklet, display cardboard and plastic holder. Upon seeing the box you would not know that is a copy unless you noticed the different logo and the absence of the "TAKARA" and HONDA copyright. Even though it is using the Takara Binaltech box, the car is unfortunately is of Alternator quality.

KO prowl box front

ko prowl box back
Underneath the box shows what other alternator prowls are available.
ko prowl box underneath

The contents of the box.
ko prowl contents

The close-up of the car mode. The entire car is white in color with the "great wall" chinese police force logo and decals similar to the police cars in Beijing. The plastic quality is ok and the door, hood and boot fits tightly, unlike some KO alternator where the doors and hood will swing open if you turn the car upside down. Even with the engine inside the hood, the hood remains shut. It's like this company used to make Hasbro's alternators!!! There are no Honda or Type-R logos visible on the car.

KO alt China prowl front
KO alt China prowl back

The parts which can be opened.

The transformation to the bot mode, for a Knock-off, is similar to that of an alternator. Some of the KO alternator/binaltechs I have can't complete the transformation or their bot mode looks weird because some of the parts are larger than the other etc. This kind of toys have strict tolerances, and any defect can ruin either the bot mode or alt mode. For this particular KO, the transformation was smooth.

The bot mode meanwhile is on par with the alternators. Joints are tight and not too loose, although one of the foot joints was a little too tight. The hood easily locks into the torso. Overall good bot mode.

Heads up!
ko china prowl robot closeup

ko china prowl robot front

ko china prowl robot side

ko china prowl robot back

Comparison with Barricade.
Ko china prowl and movie barricade

Note: Click on the image to enlarge

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