This morning I saw bout 5 super/rare cars at ONE intersection. Was at the Tujuan traffic lights, the one where you make a U-turn to go into USJ 3/4 and back to SJ.
First I saw 1 M5 silver color one to my left, waiting for the traffic light to turn green. I also waiting for the traffic light to turn green so that can make U-turn to go to SJ. Then opposite side a Merc CLK 200 turns right to Jalan Jengka. I though, hmm, Sunday morning everyone will bring out their Sunday cars. As the light changed the cars from Jalan Jengka turns right to Jln. Tujuan and lo and behold, a Yellow Porsche zips by me. Thinking there might be more, 2 more EVO 8/9 zips by soon after. Sooo.... everyone bringing out their Sunday cars...
On the way back pass by some of the bungalows in my taman, USJ2. The CLK earlier stopped by one of the bungalows and parked by the side of the road. So as I slowly pass by it, I saw a 350Z decorated with wedding decorations inside the bungalow. The best man in his CLK 200 visiting the groom? This orang kaya really kaya like hell.
Anyway one thing that irks me this morning was something on the radio. Was listening to playing Rihanna's "I dun wanna do this anymore" when to my great surprise, they censored the word "gun" from the song!!!!! WTF WTF WTF!!!! You know the part she sings that she want to shoot the fella with the gun? well they silenced the word "gun"!!
If RTM I can understand, but this is a private station!!! Watlah this country!! Like mighty morphing power rangers, some idiot think 'morphing' sounds too close to 'morphine' , some drug. Geez, as if kids know wat morphine is.
In fact gone are the good old days when cartoons show ppl holding guns blowing each other up. Example: Transformers Generation 1 has both sides carrying guns and shooting each other to scrap. Now the latest Transformers Animated most of the "good guys" have melee weapons with only the bad guys have guns of some sort. Still they prefer to fight melee.
If that is not enough, I saw a DVD for the cartoon Thundercats with something you would not believe; an 18PL rating!!! Contains scary scenes etc. errr..... did the person who slap on that rating ever saw it as a kid? Or kids these days are too "soft" for big men fighting in their spandex against a very dark evil vampire? I used to see the cartoon as a kid, even have the "ThunderTank", but now cartoons are all.... boring. No gun fighting (the best part), no super cool vehicles, no real evil villains.
Ok, enough rant for today...
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