Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tomica die-cast cars

My brother collects small Hot Wheels/Matchbox sized cars called Tomicas. These type of die-cast cars are different from the usual HW/MB cars in the sense that they are more detailed and more realistic. Unfortunately it is also double the price! Still I prefer Tomica compared to HW since HW tend to make weird or ridiculous cars. Toilet bowl car? Yup, HWs did make one.

The different between Tomica and HWs is that they are from different regions. Tomica is of course from Japan and is made my Tomy (which has merged with Takara, tainting Takara with its QC problems, but then Takara gains Tomy's distribution network). Hotwheels is from the US. Tomica has a more realistic approach to thier toys whereby their cars are based on real cars (like Toyota Passo, EVO X etc), their playsets on toll plazas in Japan (with no stopping Smart Tag lane to boot!!) and life in Japan.

HWs on the other hand is more the cars which will highly remain in the realm of fantasy of on the race track. Their playsets are all about... CRASHING. Jezz HW cars have such funny paintwork and to play them you crash them... rigghtt..

Anyway bought these cars yesterday from Sg. Wang. The Hummer and EVO X is very hard to find, so I was lucky they had stock that day.



The doors can even open!!

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