Both come in the usual Takara Tomy Binaltech box but with only the display stand and instruction sheet only. No more instruction booklet and collectible card like last time. The story is printed on the bottom of the box :(
But the instruction sheet is not really as bad as the Hasbro's one with some Nippon words to guide you.
As for the cars themselves.... let's say if you are expecting Takara quality then you'll be disappointed since it is tainted with Tomy quality. For Bluestreak different parts have different shades of dark blue while for Jazz the silver paint is not as perfect as one would expect, but still acceptable.
Argent Meister
However if you are new to the Binaltech scene, and wish to own atleast 1 binaltech without paying ridiculously for the early Takara version which can go into range of RM 300-500 each, then this is a good buy. Just dun expect the quality of a Takara but not as bad as Hasbro. Atleast they still give you the box to keep you cars safe.
I still have 2 more coming, BT-21 and BT-22. BT-21 is Arcee which comes in a S2000, while BT-22 is Convoy who comes in a Dodge Pickup truck. Both are die-cast, and Bt-22 will surely weigh a ton since the mould is very big (which may explain why BT-22 is currently delayed lol).
After that will get the Nissan GTR transformer. Too bad it is sized to 1:32 instead of 1:24. But still, it is a GTR!
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